The Sir James Dunn Foundation donates to the ‘Driving Surgery Forward’ Campaign

Moncton, May 22, 2024 – Thanks to its generous donors, including the Sir James Dunn Foundation, the CHU Dumont Foundation has raised $7,062,870 to equip the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre (Dumont UHC) with a surgical robot and digitize nine operating rooms.


"The Foundation is very pleased to support the CHU Dumont Hospital Foundation in this much needed investment in our health care system" – Michael Doyle, president of the Sir James Dunn Foundation.


"On behalf of patients and their loved ones, the medical staff and the employees of the Dumont UHC, we would like to extend our warmest thanks to the Sir. James Dunn Foundation for its gift to the campaign. Your commitment and generosity contribute greatly to improving healthcare and services for a better experience for patients and their loved ones," said Gilles Allain, CEO of the CHU Dumont Foundation.





For more information:

Johanne Lise Landry

Director – Communications


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